
Take o bite of grammar - Beginners

Let's start! We have prepared some challenging grammar exercises for our Beginners!

23 apr

Take o bite of grammar - Beginners

Let's start! We have prepared some challenging grammar exercises for our Beginners!


Have a look at the following sentences and finish them in English. 


Finish the following sentences:

I always ……………………………………………

I never ………………………………………………

My favourite film is …………………………..…………………. because ……………………………..................…

My grandmother …………………………………

Tell me ……………………………………………..

I don’t know what …………………………...

What do you ………………………………….?

Where does she ……………………………..?

Today the weather is  …………………….

Ice-cream is …………………………………….

This summer …………………………………..

I like ……………………………………………….

I don’t like ………………………………………

She can ………………………………………….

She can’t ……………………………………….

I don’t watch news on TV because …………………………………………

My brother never ………………………..

Every woman can ………………………..

Men are usually …………………………..

…………………………………………………….  is healthy.

My every day routine is ………………………………..

I always get up …………………………….

My favourite book is ……………………

Drinking alcohol …………………………

Doing yoga ………………………………….

Rain …………………………………………….


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